It's a house post! We had so many little projects this summer that I've been hoping to post but none of them work quite "done." You know when you have all these grand plans with like 20 different steps/goals and you end up doing the first 2 and being content? Well that's kind of what happened - especially with the bathroom. It's still not perfect but it's brighter and organized which were my first two goals! As you can see below the walls in the bathroom were the same tan that the WHOLE REST OF THE HOUSE was painted. Not a horrible color but bland and made the room so dark. Since we have a pretty big window in the bathroom the room was just screaming for it to feel brighter and happier! Since it's the first place you see in the morning (yes everyone) then it needed to wake me up a little more than it was.
So after analyzing dozens of "mint" paint samples we settled on Icy Mint by Valspar:
The best thing about all the walls being tan is that I really didn't have to prime, just one solid coat of Valspar was all it took. So it's not the fanciest place in the house but check out our lovely "master suite bathroom!"
So happy I finally found the perfect frame for this "fancy" little letterpress card by Wednesday! Makes me happy in the morn'
Bathroom organizers - a must. I used to have just a basket sitting on my counter and stuff just piled into it. If I was really fancy I would hide everything but when you get ready in about 10 minutes every morning you need everything as accessible as possible, meaning on-counter organization. Found this three tiered stand at Ross this weekend for $13 - score. Need a place for your necklaces? Any ol' hook rack will work! I've had this little iron one since college and have used it for towels, purses, and now necklaces.
Thanks for stepping into the john with me! Hope you all have a fabulous rest of your week!
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