
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

High-Five 2013

It's a new year yall! In case you haven't already read 15,235 blog posts about "eating better" and "living life to the fullest" and "how to really accomplish your new years resolutions" here's another post about 2014. For Charles and I 2013 was packed to the brim of resolutions, goals, lots of firsts and lots of lasts.
 Here's a recap: 

1. Get into med school (check)
2. Buy a house (check)
3. Get a puppy (check)
4. Find a job (check)
5. Find a church home (check)
6. Make new friends (check)
7. Make our marriage better (check)
8. Kick butt in the first semester of med school (check) 
9. Have a closer relationship with the Lord
10. Read our bibles more 
(the last two we are always wanting to work more on and I honestly don't think they will ever receive an honest "check" - we could always get deeper and closer)

So high-five 2013 you rocked. You were filled with goodbyes to stability and comforts and hello to new adventures and new challenges. So 2014 you have a year to beat. Here's a few personal things I want to work on: 

1. Clean more dishes and do more laundry 
2. Respect my husband more
3. Follow through with my daily devotional 
4. Be content with where I am 
5. Stay in touch with forever friends 
6. Pray about everything and anything 
7. Build my personal/professional brand 
8. Reach 300 sales in my etsy shop 
9. Be more intentional 
10. Shower more

So hold me accountable online friends! If you see me and I stink or my kitchen is dirty please give me a good talkin' to. 

Alright so below are a few of my favorite printables/quotes that I want framed all over my house and I hope that you find one that inspires you in this new year! 

This gold foil print by Charm and Gumption I have hanging in my office and it's a wonderful reminder for a lady who thinks she can do it all! 

Another beautiful Charm and Gumption print - "She turns her can'ts into cans and her dreams into plans"

Love this reminder print from BisforBonnie! Something every woman deals with. 

Beautiful verse print from Stephanie Creekmur. We should be waking up every morning with more Joy! 

Throwing a little Hailey Berry print in there! Love this quote! 

A print from a friend! I love this print Taylor from Magnolia Tree Paperie made. Simple and slaps you in the face in a really good way :) 

Hope you found a print or quote that speaks to you for your 2014 self and that you take this year to do whatever it is that you've been holding back doing. 


- Hailey 

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